Our standard delivery service charge is free for all orders over $250. Orders under $250 will be charged $14.00 for Standard shipping, or $25.00 for Express shipping. Parcels are carefully packed and sent via Australia Post eParcel for all deliveries within Australia.
Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD$)
Same Day Shipping
We make all attempts to ensure that orders are shipped on the same business day.
Orders received on public holidays, and over a weekend will be dispatched on the following Monday, or first non-holiday regular business day.
Orders are dispatched from Madam Virtue & Co. shop in 46 Gawler Place, Adelaide, SA, Australia.
Australia Post Standard Delivery Times
Victoria: 1 - 4 days
New South Wales: 3 - 6 days
Queensland: 3 - 7 days
South Australia: 3 - 6 days
Western Australia: 5 - 9 days
Tasmania: 3 - 4 days
Northern Territory: 5 - 7 days
"days" means Standard Business Days / Week-days.
Estimation of delivery times are not exact, displayed times are provided by AusPost.
International: 1 - 3 weeks
International shipping time is dependant on receiving country. Some countries may experience border customs delays.